Customer Service & Billing | Operations and Maintenance | Engineering and Development | Backflow Prevention Program | Conservation | Wastewater 

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Customer Service & Billing

Our offices are located at 6767 Spring Road, Moorpark, CA 93021

To view our areas of service please visit the following webpage: https://www.vcpublicworks.org/wsd/servicearea/ 

Rates are per-unit prices that calculate cost by multiplying a per-unit rate by the amount of units used.  Fees are set amounts of money charged for specific services, such as late payment fees, shut-off notice fees, etc.

“HCF” stands for Hundred Cubit Feet.  Each HCF equals to 748 gallons of water.  1 HCF = 748 gallons.

To view our current water rate, please visit our Schedule of Rates webpage at the link provided.  Once there, you can select to view the schedule of water rates for the service area you reside in. 


Rates are comprised of a three component structure: (1) a monthly service charge is a fixed charge based on the size of meter serving a property and is intended to recover costs related to meter reading and maintenance, customer service and billing, and a portion of capacity related costs; (2) a commodity rate that recovers all remaining costs associated with meeting costs related to water supply and production, base delivery, and extra capacity; and (3) a monthly private fire line charge that is only charged to customers who require a private fire service meter. For examples of fees and rates see our Schedule of Rates at https://www.vcpublicworks.org/wsd/ratesandcharges/

To view our current sewer and reclaimed water rate, please visit our Schedule of Rates webpage at the link provided.  Once there, you can select to view the schedule of sewer and reclaimed water rates for the service area you reside in. 


Sewer fixed rates are comprised of a monthly service charge. The charge is based on changes to the cost of providing sewer service. The rates are based on the cost of the wastewater treatment processes, costs of operations and maintenance of sanitary sewer infrastructure, repairs, replacements, and upgrades, as well as compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements. Rates are proposed and approved by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors. The rate is multiplied by the equivalent residential unit (ERU) assigned to service classification. For example, a service classification of residential is assigned an ERU or 1 x $28.00 (fiscal year 2021-2022 approved rate) for a Moorpark customer. To view other ERU by classification see Part 7 of District Rules and Regulations posted at:


California Proposition 26 granted municipalities the authority to impose fees and charges for services and activities provided. A fee may not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service or performing the activity. Fees are approved by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors and posted on the Public Works Water and Sanitation website. 

Fees are comprised of direct labor, overhead, task time, mileage, equipment, materials, contract services, utilities, and cost allocation of indirect expenses, including legislative and central services costs. Fees are calculated with 100% recovery of costs and adjusted annually to cover changes in labor costs. Fees are reviewed every five years to ensure they keep pace with the cost of providing the service, and changes in methods or levels of service. The following explanation provides a simplified overview of a common fee calculation process.  

Shut-Off Notice Fee:  

  1. Operations staff labor at $87.17 multiplied by task time of 15 minutes = $13.08 2.
  2. Administration staff labor at $63.77 multiplied by task time of 10 minutes = $6.38.   

Direct labor of $13.08 + $6.38 = $19.45

3. Cost of materials (door hanger and printing) of $2.00

4. Travel time round trip of 15 miles x $0.575 (governmental approved mileage rate) = $8.63     

Total fee of $19.45 + $2.00 + $8.63 = $30.08 rounded down to $30.00 

As a customer you have several options to pay your bill. You can either pay your bill in person M-F, 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m. at 6767 Spring Rd, Moorpark.  We also have a secure drop box on site for after hour payments.  By phone, simply call 1-855-844-0357 (please note that a convenience fee may apply).  Online utilizing our Invoice Cloud portal.  You can also mail your payment to Water and Sanitation Payment Processing Center, P.O. Box 1470, Hemet, CA 92546-1470.  For more information about how to pay your bill please visit our Billing and Customer Service webpage: https://www.vcpublicworks.org/wsd/customerservice/

To enroll in auto pay, please visit the following website and register for an Invoice Cloud account.  Link: Invoice Cloud Customer Portal

Yes, to pay by phone simply call 1-855-844-0357 (please note that a convenience fee may apply).  

To begin or stop service in one of our service areas, please visit the following webpage: https://www.vcpublicworks.org/wsd/customerservice/accounts/

Our policy governing discontinuation of residential water service for nonpayment can be viewed here: https://s29422.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/SB998_English.pdf 

You can also view the policy in different languages in the link provided below under State of California SB998. 


If you received a notice that the District proposes to make a change to your water rate, you may visit our Schedule of Rates webpage and utilize the Bill Calculators to see how the proposed rate will impact your bill.   



If you have a public records request, please click on the following link to submit your request: Public Records Request Form.  Please complete all the required information.   If you have any questions, you may email  wsadmin@ventura.org

Operations and Maintenance

To track your water usage, you can utilize our Customer Portal.  This portal is available to all customers free of charge, and it is a great way to monitor your water use.  For more information about how to sign up for our customer portal please visit the following website: 


If you suspect there is a possible leak, you can login to the Customer Portal and view your hourly water usage history. Spikes in water usage, especially in the middle of the night, that indicate unusual water usage and/or continuous hourly water usage could indicate a possible leak. 

If you are experiencing problems with your water service, please contact our office to initiate a service request at (805) 378-3000 or send email to wscs@ventura.org

The meters use electronic registers that are guaranteed by the manufacturer to be accurate. The meter technology has been tested by manufacturers and implemented in many large water utilities through the country. All meters are tested by the manufacturer prior to leaving the factory.​

Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI), allows water meters to be read remotely.  With the capability of offering near real-time data, AMI allows us to view up-to-date water usage at any time during the billing cycle.  

AMI utilizes the FlexNet® communication network which operates on a dedicated radio spectrum and is protected by law from interference. The FlexNet® communication network is based on licensed spectrum providing its own built-in, multi-layered security shield—in which all layers are active all the time to protect data at rest and in transmission.

You can visit our AMI Customer Portal webpage for more information here: https://www.vcpublicworks.org/wsd/customerportal/ 

You can also visit the AMI FAQ webpage here: https://www.vcpublicworks.org/2019/09/09/ami-faqs/ 

Engineering and Development

Ventura County Water and Sanitation District (VCWSD) does not provide service to the entire County.  VCWSD provides water service for the following Special Districts: District 1 – Moorpark, District 17 – Bell Canyon, District 19 – Somis, and District 38 – Lake Sherwood. VCWSD also provides sewer service for the following Special Districts and Service Areas: District 1 – Moorpark  & District 16 – Piru, County Service Areas 29 – North Coast, 30 – Nyeland Acres, 34- El-Rio, Todd Road Jail, and the Camarillo Airport (Camarillo Utility Enterprise)

Please visit the following webpage Engineering and Development – Ventura County Public Works Agency (vcpublicworks.org) and complete the forms under Development, Procedures and Forms.  Submit the completed forms and appropriate plans to the email inbox indicated in the VCWSD Will Serve Forms and Procedures packet. 

Please visit the following webpage Engineering and Development – Ventura County Public Works Agency (vcpublicworks.org) and complete the forms located under Construction Documents and email to wsdevelop@ventura.org or return in person to 6767 Spring Road, P.O. Box 250, Moorpark, CA 93021. 

You can also submit a request online utilizing the following link: https://iframe.publicstuff.com/#?client_id=1000149&request_type_category_id=4428#picker-top 

Please email your request with a detailed description of the location to WSDevelop@Ventura.org for processing. 

No.  We only accept cash or check.  Please make checks payable to Ventura County Water & Sanitation.  

For the most up to date rates, charges, and fees, please visit the following link and see Construction Rates, Charges and Fees. 


We have carefully considered our area’s expected water supply over the next few decades through a state-required urban water management planning process and we are confident it will be enough to meet demands for this new development, even with sustained dry years taken into account.  Ongoing conservation efforts have significantly reduced per capita consumption and our overall water consumption continues on a steady downward trend.  From 2005 to 2020, per capita water consumption in Moorpark decreased 45% in spite of Moorpark’s population growing by approximately 13% over the same period. This conservation helps ensure that our region’s reservoirs, wells, and aquifers can provide the necessary water as new development occurs.  This particular development is more water efficient than older housing stock in the area as it must conform with updated plumbing codes, high efficient fixtures, and less irrigated landscaping.  The District has also received funding from the State to double its recycled water capacity by 2024, which will further reduce the District’s reliance on imported water. To summarize, our planning process for ensuring water supply reliability is a long-term strategy that incorporates the water availability for new development in the City.

Backflow Prevention Program

A backflow prevention device is used to protect potable water supplies from contamination or pollution due to backflow. 

You must schedule to have your device tested immediately.  You can visit the Environmental Health Backflow Prevention website to find a list of certified testers in Ventura County by clicking here: https://vcrma.org/backflow-prevention 

You can also email WSadmin@ventura.org to request a list of certified testers. 

For more information or if you have more questions contact the Environmental Health Cross-Connection Control Specialist at (805) 654-2436 or email holly.sinclair@ventura.org 

Backflow devices must be tested annually.  For more information or if you have more questions contact the Environmental Health Cross-Connection Control Specialist at (805) 654-2436 or email holly.sinclair@ventura.org


The Districts are required by Article X, Section 2 of the California Constitution to prohibit the waste of water.  Water Code section 350, et seq. requires the distributor of public water supply to declare a water shortage emergency exists if demands of water consumers cannot be satisfied without depleting the water supply needed for human consumption, sanitation, and fire protection.  Upon making such a declaration, the water supplier is authorized to adopt regulations that will conserve water for the greatest public benefit.  Water Code section 375, et seq. authorizes retail and wholesale water providers to adopt water and enforce conservation programs which may include water-use limitations and civil and criminal penalties for violating such programs.

If you suspect someone is wasting water you can submit a report for suspected water waste online using the following link: 


Please provide as much information and pictures if possible. 

For information regarding all the different rebates available please visit the following website:  


For information regarding water conservation efforts in our area and water conservation tips and ideas, please visit our Water Conservation page:  


We have carefully considered our area’s expected water supply over the next few decades through a state-required urban water management planning process and we are confident it will be enough to meet demands for this new development, even with sustained dry years taken into account.  Ongoing conservation efforts have significantly reduced per capita consumption and our overall water consumption continues on a steady downward trend.  From 2005 to 2020, per capita water consumption in Moorpark decreased 45% in spite of Moorpark’s population growing by approximately 13% over the same period. This conservation helps ensure that our region’s reservoirs, wells, and aquifers can provide the necessary water as new development occurs.  This particular development is more water efficient than older housing stock in the area as it must conform with updated plumbing codes, high efficient fixtures, and less irrigated landscaping.  The District has also received funding from the State to double its recycled water capacity by 2024, which will further reduce the District’s reliance on imported water. To summarize, our planning process for ensuring water supply reliability is a long-term strategy that incorporates the water availability for new development in the City.


The treatment plants top priority is to protect the community and ecosystem. Debris, harmful chemicals, and pollutants are filtered, treated, and disinfected at the wastewater treatment plant. The treated water (effluent) is typically sent to: Percolation ponds to soak into the earth and recharge the water table, discharged into a nearby waterway, or disinfected and sold to customers for irrigation or agricultural purposes

Wastewater treatment plants protect public health from disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Today’s treatment plants disinfect wastewater, eliminating many of these harmful organisms, and they protect water quality so we can enjoy clean oceans, lakes, streams, and rivers. In this way, wastewater treatment helps us enjoy life to the fullest.

Treatment plants have a wide range of processes that do something entirely different, while all working towards the end goal of having a safe product sent into the local ecosystem. Mechanical screens collect debris before it enters the treatment plant. This debris is compacted and sent to the landfill. Beneficial bacteria break down and reduces the amount of organic matter and nitrogen in the water. Strict state regulations ensure that any water leaving the treatment plant isn’t too high in nitrogen, chemicals, or metals and that the water has enough oxygen as to not damage the receiving waterway. 

The only items that should be flushed down the toilet are the three P’s: Pee, Poo, and Paper. Wet wipes, dental floss, Q-tips, hair, feminine products, and contraceptives should be disposed of in a trash can. Even wipes labeled “flushable” have been proven to not break down as well as traditional toilet paper. All the above unapproved items wreak havoc on the treatment process, clogging screens and pumps. 

The Moorpark Water Reclamation Facility has two options for our treated water. We can send the water to one of our thirty percolation ponds, where it soaks into the earth and recharges our water table, or it is sold to several customers for irrigation or agricultural purposes. Of the two million gallons of sewage our plant receives daily, we have the ability to treat and reuse 1.5 million gallons of water every day.  


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