Our goal is to produce the highest quality drinking water for our customers. Annually, state and federal regulations require that we provide detailed water quality information to our customers.

Our Water Quality Reports can be viewed and printed here using Adobe Acrobat Reader.



Chloramines must be removed from any water to be used for fish tanks or ponds. Chloramines are toxic to saltwater and freshwater fish, reptiles that live in water, turtles and amphibians, and must be removed. This includes lobster tanks at grocery stores and restaurants as well as fish containers at bait shops.

You may not have had to remove chlorine from your aquarium water because it dissipates (evaporates) rapidly on its own. This is not the case with chloramines and specific steps must be taken for their removal.

Chloramines can be removed from the water by using a water conditioner specifically designed to remove chloramines or by using a granular activated carbon filter. Your pet supplier should be able to provide any further guidance you may need on these products.

Ammonia can be toxic to fish. Although all fish produce some ammonia as a natural by-product, ammonia is also released when chloramines are chemically removed. Some ammonia levels may be tolerable in individual tanks or ponds for short periods of time however, commercial products are available at pet supply stores to remove excess ammonia. Biological filters, natural zeolites, and pH control methods are also effective in reducing the toxic effects of ammonia.



In the past, consumers were told to dispose of their unwanted or expired medications by flushing them down the toilet. Recent studies have shown that many drugs pass largely untreated through wastewater treatment plants. These untreated medications affect fish and other aquatic wildlife. Disposing of unused medications by putting them in the trash is also not recommended as once in the landfills they can leak and potentially affect local groundwater.

The following are some of the ways to safely dispose of your unused medications:

  1. Contact your local Sheriff or Police Station to see if they have a drug disposal bin in the station lobby.
  2. The DEA schedules National Prescription Drug Take-Back days. For information on their schedule please see the following link: DEA National Drug Take-Back Program
  3. Check with your local city or county to ask about disposal programs.
  4. Check with your local pharmacist to see if they will take back medications.
  5. According to the Harvard Health Publication, Prescription Drug Disposal “If you need to put your medications in the trash, keep them in their original childproof and water tight containers. Leave the label on, but scratch out your name to protect privacy. Add some water to pills, and put some flour in liquids. Conceal the vials by putting them in empty margarine tubs or paper bags before throwing them out”.
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