To view the most up-to-date water supply conditions of our major reservoirs and current drought conditions click on the links below.


California Major Water Supply Reservoir Conditions:  https://cdec.water.ca.gov/resapp/RescondMain

California Drought Conditions: https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?CA


The following restrictions are always in effect, regardless of the water supply shortage or emergency:

Noncompliance and Penalties 

For those who fail to comply with our  permanent water conservation measures the following penalties may apply:

  • First Violation: Written notice of the violation will be given to the customer 
  • Second Violation:  If prior violations are not corrected within the timeframe specified by the notice, or a second violation occurs within the following twelve (12) months after the date of issuance of the first violation, a second violation and a penalty of $100.00 may be imposed. 
  • Third Violation:  If prior violations are not corrected within the timeframe specified by the notice, or a third violation occurs within the following twelve (12) months after the date of issuance of the second violation, a third violation and a penalty of $250.00 may be imposed. 
  • Fourth Violation:  If prior violations are not corrected within the timeframe specified by the notice, or a fourth violation occurs within the following twelve (12) months after the date of issuance of the third violation, a third violation and a penalty of $500.00 may be imposed and a flow restricting device may be installed to limit usage. 
  • Water Shutoff and Reconnection: If violations are not resolved within the following twelve (12) months after the date of issuance of the fourth violation, the District may discontinue water service to the customer at the premises at which the violation(s) occurred. Where water service is disconnected, it will be reconnected upon correction of the condition or activity and the payment of the estimated reconnection charge and other applicable charges.


Water is a precious resource in the State of California. As a result, water use efficiency is a priority for the State. We encourage our customers to use water wisely and follow these simple water conservation tips.

Indoor Conservation Tips

  • Fix leaks, including leaky toilets
  • Install water saving shower heads and ultra-low flush toilets
  • Take shorter showers, ideally 5 minutes
  • Monitor your water bill
  • Turn off water when brushing teeth or shaving
  • Use dishwashers and washing machines with full loads only

Outdoor Conservation Tips

  • Recycle indoor water to use on plants
  • Refrain from watering your landscape when it rains
  • Use a broom to clean driveways, patios, and sidewalks instead of water from a hose
  • Water your lawn or garden before 9 AM or after 4 PM
  • Use a pool cover to cut down on water evaporation


To learn more about how you can help conserve water, please visit bewaterwise.com using the following link: https://www.bewaterwise.com/index.html

To learn more about SoCal WaterSmart and the many rebates available through this program, please visit their website using the following link: https://socalwatersmart.com/en/residential

For a list of current rebates available, please click on the following linkCurrent Rebates Available

Check out Calleguas Municipal Water District’s new webpage to learn how to create a garden landscape that makes sense for our regional climate.  There you can also find their new Landscape Style Guide and other helpful resources.  Please visit their website using the following link: https://landscapeischange.com/



Governor Signs Bill to Eliminate Non-Functional Turf for Non-Residential Properties:

Governor Newsom signed AB 1573 which prohibits the use of potable water for the irrigation of non-functional turf located on commercial, industrial, and institutional properties, other than a cemetery, and on properties of HOAs, common interest developments, and community service organizations as of the following compliance dates:
  • All properties owned by local governments, local or regional public agencies, and public water systems, beginning January 1, 2027;
  • All other institutional properties and commercial and industrial properties, beginning January 1, 2028;
  • All common areas of HOA properties, common interest developments, and community service organizations, beginning January 1, 2029
  • All properties owned by local governments, local public agencies, and other public water systems in disadvantaged community, beginning January 1, 2031, or date upon which a state funding source is made available.

Non-Functional Turf:

“Non-Functional” means the turf is solely ornamental, and is not regularly used for recreation, sports, or for civic or community events.

For more information please visit: https://landscapeischange.com/reimagine-non-functional-turf/


Every drop counts and as new conservation measures go into effect, we would like to remind you to sign up for the AMI Customer Portal if you have not done so already.  The AMI Customer Portal is an innovative and easy-to-use system that utilizes Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) to allow customers to view their monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly water usage. This service is provided at no additional cost and can help reduce water usage and waste.  At a time when conserving water is important due to the ongoing drought conditions, this is a very helpful tool have at your disposal.  To register, please visit: https://www.vcpublicworks.org/wsd/customerportal/ 


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