The four CACs representing Ventura County Waterworks District (WWD) Nos. 1 (Moorpark), 17 (Bell Canyon), 19 (Somis), and 38 (Lake Sherwood) serve as liaisons between the community and the WWDs by providing input to Water and Sanitation Department staff and the Board. Each WWD has its own CAC. Meetings are open to the public and agendas are posted approximately one week prior to the meeting, but no later than 72 hours prior to a scheduled regular meeting.
The purpose of each CAC is to review staff recommendations regarding annual budgets, water and sanitation rate adjustments, capital improvement projects, annexation issues, new policy items, other issues related to management of the Districts, and to make recommendations to the Board.
2025 CAC Meeting Yearly Calendar
To view past and upcoming Agendas click on links below for desired Citizens Advisory Committee meeting:
For further information on CAC meetings, please contact County of Ventura Water and Sanitation Department at (805) 378-3005 or via email at
The Camarillo Utility Enterprise Advisory Committee is composed of property owners at the Camarillo Airport.
The CUE meets annually on the 4th Wednesday of May at 1:30p.m. at the Camarillo Airport.
PLEASE NOTE: Meeting schedules are for planning purposes only and may be changed by mutual agreement of the Committee. Please check this website 72 hours prior to any previously scheduled meeting to confirm the meeting. Also, special meetings can be scheduled as necessary to conduct the business of the Committee; please check the website periodically for special meeting agendas.