Hazardous Waste Disposal | Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators | (CESQG)

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Telephone: (805) 658-4321

Fax: (805) 658-4324

General Questions:

Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

Location: 800 South Victoria Ave, Ventura, CA 93009

Proper disposal of hazardous waste is required by law.  The County of Ventura and several cities within the county provide simplified, convenient, cost effective disposal programs for businesses that qualify as Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators or CESQGs. 

Click here for a listing of Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facilities serving businesses in Ventura County.   

Click here for a printable, color brochure describing the County of Ventura’s small business hazardous waste program, including disposal costs for common waste streams.

For additional fact sheets for specific businesses, including photographic processors, printers, automotive painters and more, contact the Ventura County Environmental Health Division at (805) 654-2813.

As defined in the California Health & Safety Code § 25218.1 and the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 261.5), a business qualifies as a CESQG provided they do not generate/accumulate more than 100 kilograms (220 pounds or approximately 27 gallons) of a hazardous waste, or 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of an acutely hazardous waste in a calendar month. Typically, small businesses fall into this category and, except for some specific wastes listed in the code, their hazardous wastes are not subject to certain regulations including the notification requirements of Section 3010 of the Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA).

Businesses are expected to pay for hazardous waste disposal.  However, CESQG programs offer significantly reduced disposal costs versus paying a permitted environmental contractor to dispose of the waste.  Typically, each waste stream type has an established disposal cost and businesses are charged on a per pound or per gallon basis.  A small administrative fee may also be incurred.  Disposal costs may be tax deductible and long-term liability for final disposition of the waste is assumed by the sponsoring agency.  Additionally, some cities subsidize a portion of the disposal costs for CESQGs within their respective jurisdictions to encourage participation and make this program even more affordable.

A business must qualify as a CESQG prior to participating in any program.  Usually, a simple questionnaire is provided by the host jurisdiction, or a environmental contractor, which must be completed and returned for review before any hazardous waste can be accepted for disposal.  The type and quantity of waste(s) the business wants to dispose of is reported on this questionnaire.  If the business qualifies as a CESQG, a disposal cost estimate based on the type and quantity of the materials reported is provided along with an appointment time to deliver the waste to the receiving facility. The waste is weighed at the receiving facility on a certified scale for accuracy and recorded with the disposal cost for the business and the agency’s records. Payment is usually required at the time of service unless prior arrangements have been made.

To obtain the proper form(s) and schedule an appointment to dispose of your hazardous waste, contact the company listed below for your area:

·         Unincorporated Ventura County businesses, and businesses located in the cities of Ojai, Santa Paula, and Fillmore, should call Stericycle Environmental Solutions at 800-714-1195

·         Camarillo, Oxnard, and Port Hueneme businesses call Clean Harbors Environmental Services at 805-987-0717

·         Oxnard and Port Hueneme businesses may also dispose of antifreeze, batteries, oil, oil filters, fluorescent light tubes, and latex paint at the Del Norte Recycling Center 805-278-8200

·         City of Thousand Oaks businesses should contact Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. at 805-987-0717 or visit for on-line processing support

·         City of Ventura businesses should call 805-652-4525

Hazardous waste or toxic waste refers to discarded materials that can potentially threaten human health or the environment. These materials can be corrosive, flammable, reactive, or toxic. The use or production of hazardous substances may be unavoidable for some Ventura County businesses. However, new, safer alternatives to many hazardous substances are continually being developed, as are innovative strategies for reducing the amount of hazardous waste used or produced by businesses. Eliminating or reducing the use or production of hazardous or toxic chemicals can result in many important benefits, including:

·         More efficient use or reuse of process materials

·         Reduced waste disposal expenses

·         Diminished liability concerns

·         Less complex regulatory compliance

·         Protection of public health and the environment

·         Train employees on proper hazardous materials management and waste reduction.

·         Keep shops clean and orderly to eliminate leaks and spills.

·         Install drip plates, pans or trays to catch drippings and return them to a tank.

·         Estimate and use only the amount of materials necessary for a job.

·         Stay within legal discharge limits for all waste effluents.

·         Evaluate the waste stream for potential in-plant treatment and recycling.

·         Segregate wastes to allow for easier recycling.

·         Substitute feedstock materials with those having less-hazardous ingredients.

·         For large volumes of solvent waste, install on-site distillation units.

·         Apply flow restriction devices like pH-controlled and pressure-controlled shutoff values.

·         Use high-volume, low-pressure spray guns for painting operations.

·         Develop working relationships with single vendors to facilitate “deals” on bulk purchases and to return old, off-specification products.

·         Keep abreast of new technologies and regulatory requirements.

·         Work with other similar businesses to form a cooperative to reduce disposal costs and support development of non-proprietary treatment technologies.

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