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Telephone: (805) 658-4321

Fax: (805) 658-4324

General Questions: VCRecycles@ventura.org

Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

Location: 800 South Victoria Ave, Ventura, CA 93009

For Water and Sanitation frequently asked questions, please click here: W&S

Household Hazardous Waste Disposal & Recycling

For residents of Unincorporated Ventura County, including Fillmore, Ojai, and Santa Paula, please click here.

For all other Ventura County cities, please click here.

Please visit our electronic waste information page by clicking here.

For information on used motor oils, marine and aircraft oil, as well as cooking oil, please click here.

Since 2012, Ventura County has partnered with PaintCare to participate in the California Paint Product Stewardship Program, which provides several locations to drop off unwanted paint for recycling, completely free of charge. Use their Drop-Off Site Locator to find a participating retailer near you.

Businesses may contact the County of Ventura’s partner for hazardous waste collection, Clean Harbors Inc., directly at (805) 914-1460 for program guidelines and restrictions. For more information, please visit our Hazardous Waste information page by clicking here.

For residents of Unincorporated Ventura County, including Fillmore, Ojai, and Santa Paula, please click here.

For all other Ventura County cities, please click here.


Welcome to Ventura County! Trash, recycling, and organics collection is provided to Ventura County Unincorporated Area (UA) residents by one of two providers, Athens Services and EJ Harrison & Sons. You may enter your address in our searchable map to find out who your provider is: vcpublicworks.org/residentialcollection.  Please contact your assigned provider to start service.

Collection rates are posted at  vcpublicworks.org/residentialcollection. Additional containers and special services may change your bill amount, so please contact your solid waste and recycling service provider directly.

Please contact your solid waste and recycling service provider.  Contact information may be found here: vcpublicworks.org/residentialcollection

Low-income seniors may be eligible to receive a discount on their trash bills. To determine if you are eligible, please contact your solid waste and recycling service provider. Contact information may be found here: vcpublicworks.org/residentialcollection

To schedule a pick-up, please contact your solid waste and recycling service provider. Contact information may be found here:  vcpublicworks.org/residentialcollection.  The County-approved residential collection agreements providesingle-family customers up to three (3) FREE bulky item pick-ups per year, and multifamily complexes up to four (4) FREE designated collection events per year. Small fees may apply for additional pick-ups.

Please contact your solid waste and recycling service provider to inquire about community clean-up events. Contact information may be found here: vcpublicworks.org/residentialcollection

No. But as a courtesy to workers who collect and sort your recyclables, you should empty containers to the point where no drips or chunks will fall out and make stinky messes in their workplace.


Yes. A list of solid waste and recycling service providers maintaining commercial franchise agreements with the County of Ventura can be found here: vcpublicworks.org/collectors/

The County has set not-to-exceed rates for commercial collection services, which can be viewed at vcpublicworks.org/collectors/

Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) program

The Ventura County Recycling Market Development Zone helps businesses with state-provided loans and grants or such things as local site selection, permitting, partnerships, and obtaining materials for manufacturing. Visit vcpublicworks.org/rmdz to learn more.


For information regarding our Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Program, including how to submit a Recycling Plan, please visit vcpublicworks.org/cdrecycling.


Residents may contact their collection provider to request a free compost bin. Contact information for unincorporated area residential collection providers can be found at vcpublicworks.org/residentialcollection.

Residents may contact their solid waste and recycling service provider to request a free food scrap pail. Contact information may be found here: vcpublicworks.org/residentialcollection.

Through provisions in their residential solid waste collection agreements with the County of Ventura, EJ Harrison & Sons and Athens Services provide free compost to their residential customers. Contact your collection provider directly to schedule a free pickup, or pay a fee for delivery.

Athens Services
Customer Care Center: (805) 856-0113
Hours: M-F: 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Sat: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

EJ Harrison & Sons
Customer Care Center: (805) 647-1414
Hours: M-F: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Sat: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Schools, non-profit organizations, and other entities may contact Ventura County Public Works Agency directly to request free compost and/or mulch by emailing VCRecycles@ventura.org.

Yes, all food waste may be placed in residential organics carts. All food scraps are accepted including meat & bones, fish, dairy, peels & pits, cobs, eggshells and coffee grinds. Food scraps must be in a paper or plastic bag and securely tied. Please remove all produce stickers, twist ties, and rubber bands.

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