Permanent landscaping structures such as retaining walls and solid fences can be designed to not only look nice but also to divert potential stormwaters. However, sometimes you need to set up more protection as a temporary solution in times of particularly heavy rain. Sandbags are used by both municipalities and homeowners, as they are cost effective and provide way to temporarily divert stormwater from structures. It is good to have some basic knowledge about sandbags to help you when the need arises.
In addition to information shown here, always check “Ready Ventura County“, the website of Ventura County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) in the event of any emergency. The OES maintains the site in partnership with a number of County agencies and departments to provide critical information as emergencies occur. The OES website is a great way to learn disaster preparedness and to find contact information for the participating agencies and departments.
This information comes from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
More information about sandbags is also available from Ventura County Fire Protection’s “ready set go” guide.