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Telephone: (805) 658-4321

Fax: (805) 658-4324

General Questions: VCRecycles@ventura.org

Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

Location: 800 South Victoria Ave, Ventura, CA 93009


To serve residents of Fillmore, Ojai, Santa Paula, and Unincorporated Ventura County, the County of Ventura sponsors Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection events at two permanent facilities:

Pollution Prevention Center (PPC)                              Santa Clara River Valley (SCRV)
Permanent HHW Collection Facility                                Permanent HHW Collection Facility
5777 N Ventura Ave.                                                          711 Sespe Pl. (A-Street Entrance)
Ventura, CA 93001                                                             Fillmore, CA 93015

Events are held on the fourth Saturday of                     Events are held on the first Saturday of April
each month.                                                                         and October.

(Excluding May, November and December)


Residents may register for events at either facility by following the links below:

Ventura County PPC Event Registrations
City Of Fillmore SCRV Event Registrations

Not a resident of Fillmore, Ojai, Santa Paula, or Unincorporated Ventura County? For information on events in your city, please click here.


For unincorporated residents of eastern Ventura County that cannot easily travel to the PPC or SCRV facilities, the County of Ventura has partnered with the Cities of Camarillo and Thousand Oaks to provide convenient HHW disposal options in your area.


To register, please follow the links below:

City of Camarillo


2025 Event Calendar

Events at the Ventura County Pollution Prevention Center and Santa Clara Valley Collection Facility accept liquid materials in containers of 15-gallons or less and solids no greater than 125-pounds combined. If you have more, please make as many appointments as you need, but do not transport more than 15-gallons or 125-pounds of hazardous material at any given time – this is a violation of DOT regulations.

The following materials are acceptable for drop-off:

Household Cleaners                 Medication*                               Electronic Waste

Chemical Drain Cleaners          Auto & Furniture Polish           Corrosive Liquids

All Paints & Thinners                 Fluorescent Lights                    Pool Chemicals

Mineral Spirits                           All Household Batteries             Propane Cylinders

Wood Preservatives                 Used Motor Oil & Filters            Photographic Chemicals

Liquid & Solid Fertilizers          Gasoline & Fuel Oils**               Aerosol Cans & Sprays

Pesticides                                    Hobby Supplies                         Road Flares***

We cannot accept any federally controlled substances or medical sharps. For disposal instructions, please click here. *

We must empty all flammable liquids safely away from the public. If you would like to keep your container, please alert the attendant and return after the event to collect it. **

While we can accept road flares, marine flares are considered explosive devices in the state of California and require special handling. Please contact a registered hazardous waste hauler for disposal. ***

  • Refrigerators, AC Units, or Other CFC-Containing Appliances. For disposal instructions, please click here.
  • Explosives (i.e., Ammunition, Fireworks, Marine Flares, etc.)
  • Infectious or Other Biologically Hazardous Materials
  • Ionizing Smoke Detectors and Other Radioactive Wastes
  • Tires
  • Large/Bulky Appliances
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