Upkeep of Road Striping and Symbols | Rural Tree Trimming | Maintenance and Installation of Street Signs

The Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Division of the Transportation Department preserves and provides routine maintenance of 542 miles of road and 158 bridges within the County Road System to reach the best condition possible.

This includes upkeep of road striping and  symbols, rural tree trimming, maintenance and installation of street signs, shoulder repairs and grading, pavement maintenance including repairing and filling potholes and crack sealing, storm debris removal, culvert and catch basin cleaning and maintenance, roadside ditch cleaning and maintenance, and guardrail maintenance.

O&M staff also receives calls and emails from the general public to investigate public roadway concerns.  All requests are promptly investigated, and in most cases, maintenance crews can repair or address the majorities of concerns.

You may contact Road Maintenance with complaints or comments related to the condition of county roads, signs, and drainage systems.

Contact Road Maintenance by:
Phone: (805) 672-2131
After Hours: (805) 650-4099
Fax:(805) 658-4513

In case of an emergency please call: 911

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