Ensuring a Safe and Efficient Road System

The Traffic Engineering Section ensures that County Maintained Roads have adequate traffic controls or guidance, through proper signing, and striping that conforms with state guidelines so that motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and all other road users may navigate through the County’s Road system safely and efficiently. Responsibilities include the maintenance and operation of traffic signals, installation of traffic control devices,collection of traffic count and speed data, reviewing traffic control plans as part of construction or special events, and maintenance of traffic collision records on roads in the unincorporated area of the County. Retaining a traffic collision records system enables staff to prioritize traffic safety improvement projects that would effectively reduce the number and severity of traffic collisions on County roads.

The Traffic Section responds to citizen’s requests for the installation of stop signs, traffic signals, speed humps,no parking signs, crosswalks, and various other traffic control devices. In addition, we respond to citizen’s concerns relating to intersection sight distance.

For Current Traffic Volumes and Levels of Service for Congestion Management Programs, visit Reports and Programs for more information. Visit Frequently Asked Questions and Citizen Brochures for more information.

You may contact Traffic with complaints or comments related to the condition of traffic signals.

Contact Traffic by:
Phone: (805) 654-2589
After Hours: (805) 650-4099
Fax: (805) 654-5169
In case of an emergency please call: 911

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