Sponsoring Transit Activities Countywide


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Ventura County Public Works Agency Roads and Transportation has been designated by the Board of Supervisors as the County department responsible for public transportation planning, coordination, and project implementation in the unincorporated area.  To accomplish this goal, the County staff regularly works with the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC), other area transit operators, and local, state, and federal agencies.

The County provides bus stop amenities (shelters, benches, and trash receptacles) at unincorporated area bus stops, and sponsors various transit activities countywide.

If you have any transportation related questions please call (805) 654-2052.

Please reference the map below to help you determine which transportations service to use in your area. For real-time bus information for any of services shown below click here.

VCTC Transit Service …


The Youth Ride Free Promotional Program allows youth 18 and under and those enrolled in high school to ride any public transit bus in Ventura County for free, anytime, anywhere. High school-aged youth should be prepared to show ID to board for free.

The College Ride Pilot Program offers free bus service to students enrolled at any Ventura County Adult School, Cal Lutheran University, CSUCI, Moorpark College, Ventura College, Oxnard College, UCSB, and SBCC. Students will need to show their school ID to the driver in order to board for free. The pilot program will last for the duration of the 2024-25 academic year. Students can save money, relieve stress, and help the environment by participating in this program.

For Frequently Asked Questions, click here


VCTC Intercity Bus

VCTC Intercity commuter bus provides fixed route bus service throughout Ventura County and to Santa Barbara and Los Angels counties. All VCTC buses are wheelchair accessible, have ample bike storage, free passenger Wi-Fi, and reclining seats. VCTC has six routes:

Service hours vary by route, so it’s important to check individual route information.

Fare information can be found here.

For Customer Service please call 800-438-1112 or email


Gold Coast Transit

Gold Coast Transit Provides fixed route and flexible service to Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Ventura and parts of the unincorporated West Ventura County. A comprehensive bus book can be found here.

Click here for all fixed route information please . Fare for all fixed route service is $2 for Adults (19-64) and $1 for Seniors (65-74). Seniors 76+ ride free.

In addition to fixed route services, Gold Coast also has GO ACCESS, an  origin-to-destination public transit for people with disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route bus (ADA Certification) as well as seniors aged 65 and older. GO ACCESS serves the cities of Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Ventura and unincorporated areas of Ventura County between these cities. For more information, including eligibility criteria, please call the customer service at (805) 487-4222 or click here.

    • Service Hours:
      • Monday – Friday 4:45 AM – 7:00 PM
      • Saturday – Sunday 5:15 AM – 7:00 PM

Gold Coast also offers a flexible service called Sunrise/Late Night Safe Rides. Safe Rides is a shared ride, demand response service designed to provide safe and affordable transportation for anyone over the age of 16 within the GCTD service area.  Fare is $5 one way. You can find more information here

    • Sunrise Safe Rides
      • Hours: 4:30 AM – 7:00 AM
      • Reservations: Accepted 1 day prior, daily up to 10 pm by calling (805) 485-2319
      • Purpose: Ensure a safe, reliable, and cost-effective way to get to work or other destinations during early morning hours
    • Late Night Safe Rides
      • Hours: 7:00 PM – 12:00 AM
      • Reservations: Accepted 1 hr.- 1 day before, daily up to 11:30 PM by calling (805) 485-2319
      • Purpose: Provide a secure, economical transportation option during late-night hour

To contact Gold Coast customer service please call (805) 487-4222.


Valley Express Transit

Valley Express Transit provides fixed route, ADA paratransit and general public Dial-A-Ride throughout the Heritage Valley in Ventura which can take you within the cities of Fillmore, Santa Paula, and Piru.

The Valley Express has 5 fixed routes and 2 trippers that only operates during the school year. Fare for all fixed route services is $1.25 for Adults (19-64) and $0.60 for Seniors (65+).  Route schedule and information is listed below:

The Valley Express Dial-A-Ride is a shared ride bus service that takes the passengers from their origin to their destination and is available to everyone. Riders with ADA certification and Seniors (65+) are given priority during the reservation process. All passengers are now able to make, view and cancel reservations through the Valley Express reservation website or by calling (805) 933-2267. Fare for Dial-A-Ride is $2.00 per trip or $0.50 with a valid Valley Express or VCTC Intercity transfer.

To contact Valley Express customer service please call (805) 933-1417 or fill out a comment card here.


Kanan Shuttle

The Kanan Shuttle is a free fare service that serves the neighborhood schools and residential areas near Kana Road in Oak Park and Agoura Hills. The Kanan Shuttle is provided by the County of Ventura in partnership with the City of Agoura Hills, Oak Park Unified School District, and the Oak Park County Service Area No. 4. It is operated by the City of Thousands Oaks.

Click here to view the Kanan Shuttle route and schedule.

    • Service Hours
      • Monday – Friday 6:45 AM to 5:40PM. No weekend service.
      • Holidays: No service on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day

If you have any questions please contact the City of Thousand Oaks at (805) 375-5473 or the County of Ventura at (805) 654-2052.


The Ojai Trolley

The Ojai Trolley provides fixed route service to the Ojai Valley and the unincorporated areas of Mira Monte and Meiners Oaks. General fare for the Ojai Trolley is $1.50 for a single ride for all adults and $4.00 for a day pass. Small children, Medicare recipients and those with disabilities are eligible for a reduced fare of $0.75 for single ride and $2.00 for a day pass. 

Click here to view the Ojai Trolley route and schedule information.

If you have any questions please contact the City of Ojai at (805) 272-3883.


City of Camarillo 

City of Camarillo residents have three public transit bus services at their disposal through Camarillo Area Transit (CAT). To find out more information please visit the City of Camarillo public transportation page. 


City of Moorpark

City of Moorpark residents have multiple ways to get around the city through Moorpark City Transit. To find out more information please visit the Moorpark City Transit page.


City of Simi Valley 

Simi Valley Transit (SVT) provides quality fixed-route bus service and Americans with Disability Acts Paratransit/Dial-A-Ride (ADA/DAR) services throughout the City of Simi Valley. To find out more information please visit the Simi Valley Transit page.

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