The Design and Construction (D&C) Section designs improvements to County roads, prepares contract documents for bidding, and oversees the construction of those improvements by contractors. Examples of typical D&C projects include pavement overlays, new turn lanes and traffic signals, bridge repair or replacement, shoulder widening, signing and striping, and storm damage repair.

Most of the design work is done by in-house engineering staff, although specialty work such as bridge design and traffic signals are usually designed by consultants. The design of roadway improvements follows American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards. Construction of improvements is accomplished by hiring private contractors through the competitive bidding process.

Design and Construction projects currently out to bid (Transportation D&C projects are identified with RD in front of the specification number).

The Transportation Department received grant money for using Rubberized Asphalt Concrete for four pavement rehabilitation projects. Visit Reports and Programs for more information.


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