Advance Planning administers and manages the County’s Pavement Management System and updates the Multi-Year Resurfacing Program. It provides input to the Public Works Agency five-year Capital Improvement Program report, performs feasibility analyses, planning level cost estimates, funding projections, and prepares project applications. State and Federal mandated reports are prepared to secure Federal funds as well as all Federal, State, and local funding grant applications.

Other responsibilities are maintaining the Roadway Management System which includes: Road Facility Inventory (Pavement, Culvert, Bridge, Road History); vacation of excess right-of-way; coordination of annexation with Local Agency Formation Commission; review of road acceptance to County Maintained Roads; and investigation of citizen inquiries/complaints of drainage and pavement surfaces.

Damage assessment and survey teams perform critical tasks such as reporting storm and earthquake damage, and coordinating with FEMA, OES, FHWA, and Caltrans at natural disaster events.

Technical assistance is provided to the Planning Division of Resource Management Agency regarding road-related items for review of Discretionary Land Use Permits and Environmental Impact Reports within County unincorporated areas.

Visit Reports and Programs for more information.

Information regarding the County of Ventura Road Vacation Process or Road Vacation Application.

Click here to see the Active Transportation Plan