Field Book Index – Indexed by Facility Name and/or Location (Updated 8/18/2016)
The alpha characters listed below provide links to corresponding scans of the Ventura County Surveyor’s Office alphabetized field book index. Field notes are generally indexed by facility name/location (e.g., “Foothill Road”, or “Runkle Canyon Debris Basin”) or by Rancho and/or Government Township, Range and Section.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Note: No fleld notes are filed under the letter “X”.
Field Book Scans
You can browse and download most Ventura County Field Books using the links below. If you cannot find a specific field book, find errors, or have any questions please contact our public counter staff by email at or by phone at (805) 654-2068.
Ventura County Field Book Links:
Books 1 through 1399 (bound books) – scan inventory not complete, but growing
Books 1400 through 4022 (generally by facility, 8-1/2×11 media)
Books 1996-0003 through Current (by survey request year, 8-1/2×11 media)