Eco-tip: How and where to recycle your Christmas tree in Ventura County

VC Star December 26, 2024 Even though Christmas tree recycling is an annual ritual, differing rules, dates and deadlines in various parts of Ventura County can make collection and drop-off confusing. The advertisements, flyers and online outreach from each city are seen by residents of other areas, but each resident needs to know their own…

Eco-tip: Reduce plastic during gift-giving season

VC Star 12/14/24 Two opposing perspectives on the future of plastic clashed at the United Nations summit on plastics, which ended this month in Busan, South Korea. Over 3,300 participants, representing 170 nations and more than 440 observer organizations, vigorously debated a variety of options to craft an “internationally legally binding instrument on plastic pollution,…

Quick Green Tip: Managing Thanksgiving leftovers and avoiding food waste

VC Reporter December 5, 2024 Do you still have Thanksgiving leftovers, and are you wondering how long food lasts before it should be moved from your refrigerator to your curbside organics cart? Perhaps the tradition of overeating at Thanksgiving feasts can be tied to the age of the holiday. Thanksgiving commemorates a 1621 feast shared…

How to recycle treated lumber

New recycling technology may bring back buyback

Moorpark Acorn November 23, 2024 An unexpected problem arose on California’s way to a better recycling future. Buyback centers disappeared. Those who recycle only through their curbside programs may not have noticed, but many people need their California Redemption Value money back, and many more see convenient buyback recycling as a matter of basic fairness.…

Eco-tip: New laws reducing waste, aid consumers

VC Star October 12, 2024 David Goldstein Special to Ventura County Star California’s 2023-24 legislative session wrapped up last month with some new laws to reduce waste. The governor also vetoed related bills but provided explanations sure to give lawmakers reason to adjust proposals and try again next year. Assembly member Jacqui Irwin, D-Thousand Oaks,…