Engineers Week is here, which is a perfect time to note the difference engineers make in our world! Most of the time, engineers’ contributions to infrastructure and society can go uncredited, so this week is a chance to highlight the positive contributions that engineers make to our quality of life and raise awareness of their profession. Founded by The National Society of Professional Engineers, this year’s theme is Reimagining the Possible. Through our innovative and creative projects at VCPWA, we make the impossible possible.
Not only does VCPWA have an Engineering Services department, we also have many talented engineers across four departments: Water & Sanitation, Roads & Transportation, and Watershed Protection. Although each department’s responsibilities differ, our men and women engineers are an invaluable asset to our agency. Many engineers dedicate themselves to projects that improve our community and strive to educate youth on the value of learning math, science, and technical skills.
Help us celebrate the week! Say HELLO and THANKS to an engineer near you!
Engineers Week Resources:
People of Public Works

“We are fortunate to live in a county with such a unique and diverse landscape available in each corner. Whether it’s the badlands, north coast, south coast, or pine-covered mountains, the Gold Coast never ceases to amaze. Joining VCPWA has opened up new opportunities for me to continue exploring these regions and contributing to these cornering communities and many new parts in between.”
– Ben Fischetti

“Public Works has nurtured my career very well, putting forward opportunities and training that continue to inspire me.”
– Devi Nallamala
“My favorite part of Public Works Week is the interaction with the next generation. It’s so fulfilling to see kids’ faces light up when they see a water demonstration or someone repelling down from a bucket truck. This kind of community involvement helps to bring awareness to the products and services we provide and hopefully sparks the interest in children so they will continue to be involved as adults.”
– Ryan Lippincott