Lean Six Sigma Corner
If you have seen any of the Ventura County Public Works Agency (VCPWA) vehicles lately, you may have noticed something different. Over the last few months, our vehicles have been updated with our VCPWA logo. This change brings a fresh new look to our vehicles and increases our visibility in the community. But another exciting part of the change is the cost savings.
In the past, VCPWA had General Services Agency Fleet Services paint agency vehicles from factory white or gray paint to Public Works yellow and attach a decal which included the County seal and text identifying the vehicle as Public Works. When the vehicles reached the state where they needed to be replaced, the decals were removed, and the vehicles auctioned off. However, due to the yellow-colored paint, vehicles were harder to sell and sold at lower costs than those in other colors.
VCPWA has now moved towards saving costs by purchasing future vehicles in white or gray color and not having them painted. Not painting vehicles and solely using decals creates $4,000 in hard saving per vehicle. With our current fleet of 78 vehicles painted yellow, this change, over the lifespan of all the vehicles, amounts to a total hard savings of $312,000.
According to auction sales data comparing similar vehicle categories with those painted yellow versus other colors, yellow-painted 4-wheel drive vehicles sold for $4,773 less on average, while yellow-painted Hybrid vehicles sold for $857 less on average. Currently, VCPWA has 7 hybrid vehicles. By not painting the vehicles, it is anticipated the revenue from the sale of factory painted vehicles would increase by $5,999 for hybrid vehicles and $338,883 for other painted vehicles.
VCPWA’s Core Values include being fiscally responsive, resource minded and collaborative. This major improvement of simplifying the look of our vehicles certainly meets this challenge and displays a very visible and professional brand to the community.