All applications and re-submittals will be made online via or emailing the documents to Please contact our division about procedures at or call (805) 654-3027.
Agriculture Grading Permit
A Zoning Clearance is typically not needed for issuance of an Ag Grading Permit. The area of the grading will need a planting and irrigation plan to accompany the grading plan and application packet. Engineered plans may be needed for over 500 Cubic yards of earthwork or when grading is proposed adjacent to drainage courses. No rough grade clearances for buildings are issued. No structures are allowed with this permit, if structures are added the permit will convert to a regular or engineered grading permit and additional deposits and plan check will be necessary.
Once a complete application and permit deposit has been submitted the grading plan check process can begin. This type of permit may require several plan check reviews before the permit can be approved and issued. Once the permit is issued, a preconstruction meeting will need to be held prior to conducting work and attendance is required with the county grading inspector, contractor, owner/owner’s representative, and geotechnical representative as necessary.
To close an Ag permit, a letter from the engineer or responsible party is needed stating that the permitted grading work and planting is completed in accordance with the approved grading plans and conditions.
AG Grading Permit Package. This package contains an application form, fee schedule, instructions, and a checklist for use in applying for an AG Grading Permit. (PDF ZIP)
- LDS-AG – Ag Permit Checklist
- LDS-01 – Grading permit application for all types of grading permits
- LDS-03 – Authorization of agent. Document authorizing the agent to manage the plan check process on the owners behalf.
- LDS-04 – Acknowledgement of employment of consultants An owner acknowledgment regarding employment of consultants.
- Stormwater Quality form(s): SW-1, SW-2, SW-HR. Select and complete applicable stormwater form(s) for project.
- Grading Plans: Grading plans consist of the grading sheet, irrigation sheet and planting sheet. The grading sheet shall have sufficient detail to show the location and details of the grading and drainage on the parcel(s), a scale, a north arrow, and the route from a public road to access the grading area. The planting sheet shall show the proposed plants or rows to be placed in agricultural production following grading. The irrigation sheet shall show the location of the proposed irrigation main lines.
Grading Permits can be applied for online through the Ventura County Citizen Access website at You can also submit your grading permit application documents to our group email
Fees and Deposits are set each year by the County Board of Supervisors and can found at this location (Schedule of Fees and Deposits)
Hydrology and hydraulic study may be required for Ag grading projects to demonstrate that the project will not result in diversion of storm water, increase in peak flow rates, or contribute to downstream erosion potential. Hydrology report requirements and data can be found at the following Watershed Protection District site,
A change order is needed after permit issuance and changes are being made to the approved grading plans. To request a change to your plan, submit a completed change order form and revised plan sheets identifying the plan changes with revision clouds and a brief description and change order request number in the revision block.
LDS-12 Change Order Request Form to be submitted with changes to plans during construction. List items that have changed since permit issuance.
DSIB-1 Change Order – Change orders to issued permit An informational bulletin that describes the procedures for obtaining approval for changes to plans that have already been approved and have an issued permit.
As-built plans not required for Ag grading permits, change order may be needed, letter stating grading, planting and irrigation is completed per the grading plans. For Engineered Grading or if plans drawn by engineer, the letter of completion should be prepared and signed by engineer