The new year is often a time for personal resolutions and transformations, so we thought we’d look back on some of Public Works’ best transformations in the past few years!
Yerba Buena Area Road Improvements
Roads & Transportation tackled a challenging goal between 2018 and 2020—paving 15 miles of winding roads in the Santa Monica Mountains in steep, rugged terrain. In those two years following the Woolsey Fire, VCPWA added 13,600 feet of guardrails at 35 hazardous locations on Deer Creek Road and Yerba Buena Road. The photos speak for themselves!
Zone II Booster Pump Station
Water & Sanitation was tasked with the Zone II Booster Pump Station upgrade, located in Lake Sherwood, Ventura County Waterworks District #38. A lot of steps went into this upgrade including the installation of an above-ground motor control center and appurtenances, programable logic controller, generator pad, valve controls, vault exhaust fan, and the demolition of the existing controls and electrical components. This upgrade was completed in August 2021, 18 days ahead of schedule and with very little downtime. Way to go Water & Sanitation!
Real Estate Services Vaccination Sites
Central Services Real Estate Services Division stepped in to help with an accelerated county-wide vaccination rollout. RES was able to lease two vaccination sites, including the former Babies R Us property on Rose Ave in Oxnard and the former KMART in Santa Paula (pictured here). The leasing process normally takes 6-8 months but Real Estate Services, along with the County Executive Office and the General Services Agency worked around the clock to open in this time of need, in just 2 months.